La Croisière Verte 2024, what is it ?

On October 28, 2024, La Croisière Verte’s team will set off on a great expedition, taking them from the north to the south of Africa. Aboard ultralight electric vehicles, Éric Vigouroux and his team will celebrate the centenary of André Citroën’s La Croisière Noire.

From Ouarzazate in Morocco, the expedition will cover a total distance of over 14,000 km, arriving in Cape Town, South Africa, in mid-January.

In each of the crossed countries, the team will meet students and the general public interested in tomorrow’s mobility and renewable energies. For La Croisière Verte, this crossing of the African continent will be an opportunity to exchange ideas, promote initiatives and projects, and inspire the younger generation in environmental issues.

In the meantime, Éric Vigouroux, the expedition’s initiator, explains the concept and its history.

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